Witness & review
FDA CFR Part 11 and Annex 11 compliant e-signatures.
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FDA CFR Part 11 and Annex 11 compliant e-signatures.
Last updated
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Who can use this feature?
👤 By default, all Admins and Editors (but not Viewers).
🏢 Available on Pro and Enterprise plans.
Click Request review in the Experiment sidebar and pick one or several workspace collaborators to ask them to check and sign off on the experiment. The experiment status will automatically switch to In review.
Click Sign experiment to add a compliant electronic signature and approval message to the Experiment. You will be asked to reauthenticate into Colabra if you last signed in more than 1 hour ago.
You can find all your pending review requests, as well experiments waiting for your e-signature, in My bench.
Once the expriment status changes to In review or Complete, its contents become immutable.
If you later change the experiment status back to Upcoming or In progress, all existing e-signatures and oustanding signature reuqests will be automatically revoked, and you will need to rerequest a review to approve the new changes.