Visualize Protein Data Bank 3D structures of proteins and nucleic acids.
Who can use this feature?
👤 By default, all Admins and Editors (but not Viewers).
🏢 Available on all plans.
Type /Molecule
or drag and drop a molecule file into the editor to insert an interactive preview that lets you visualize and rotate three-dimensional representation like proteins and DNA/RNA, with a variety of representations.
Supported formats
Molecular structures
Protein Data Bank (pdb)
Macromolecular Crystallographic Information File (cif)
Protein Data Bank partial charge (pqr)
GROMACS structure format (gro)
Structure-data file (sdf)
MOL2 (Molecular structure format by Tripos) (mol2)
Macromolecular Transmission Format (mmtf)
Density volumes
CCP4 format (ccp4)
OpenDX scalar data (dxbin)
Gaussian cube data (cube)
BRIX format (brix)
XPLOR/CNS format (cns)
Surface representations
Polygon File Format (ply)
Wavefront Object (obj)
Video overview
Last updated