Account security

Keep your IP safe and secure.

Who can use this feature?

👤 By default, all Admins, Editors and Viewers.

🏢 Available on all plans.

Colabra supports the tightest security features to ensure an unauthorized third party can't access your account.

G then S to go to settings, then go to Account → Security

Login details

This option is not available if your account has SAML SSO enabled.

If your workspace does not have SAML SSO set up, you will log in using a username and password.

Your password must contain:

  • At least 8 characters

  • At least 3 of the following:

    • Lower case letters (a-z)

    • Upper case letters (A-Z)

    • Numbers (0-9)

    • Special characters (ex. !@#$%^&*)

Two-factor authentication

This option is not available if your account has SAML SSO enabled.

You can enable 2FA/MFA on your account and use an email/SMS OTP, authentication app, Touch/Face ID or any other FIDO-compatible device to confirm your identity when you sign in.

Log out of all devices

If you forget to sign out of a device when you leave the lab or a shared computer, use the Sign out button to force all sessions to expire.


Do I need 2FA?

By default, 2-step verification is not required for Colabra users. However we highly recommend that all users implement it as an extra layer of security.

Enterprise plan customers can enforce 2FA for all members.

I login to Notion through an identity provider. Do I still need 2FA?

If you login to Colabra through SAML SSO (using an identity provider), you must set up 2FA directly through that identity provider.

How can I disable 2FA after I set it up?
  • Go to Settings -> Account -> Security

  • Click Disable under the Two-factor authentication section.

What if I lose my phone or verification device?

When you first set up 2-step verification, you will receive a set of six backup text codes. You can use these codes to access your account in the event that you lose your verification device.

Each backup code can only be used once. Once all the codes have been used, you can generate a new set in your settings.

If you are having trouble, please contact us at

Can I enforce 2FA for all members of my organization?

Enterprise plan customers can enforce 2FA for all members.

Last updated