My bench

See everything assigned to you in one place.

Who can use this feature?

👤 By default, all Admins, Editors and Viewers.

🏢 Available on all plans.

My bench is a specially curated page that shows all the experiments you are working on, all of your outstanding review requests, and experiments waiting for your signature.

G then B to go to My bench

You can add due dates to Experiments to help your team keep track of time-sensitive work. The due date will now appear next to the Task/Experiment. The icon will be red if it's overdue, orange if it's due within the next week or grey otherwise.

Due dates are particularly valuable for Projects that involve a lot of cross-team or inter-team collaboration. It can help to set a deadline so that any blockers are cleared before it affects another team/teammate's work.

Review all assigned tasks and assignments from My bench on the left-hand menu.

Last updated